Sunday, November 4, 2012

Symptoms of Exhaustion & Why Your Tired All The Time

I thought you could benefit from a list of symptoms associated with extreme tiredness or fatigue. This is an accumulated list of things to look out for that could potentially turn into a possibly larger health issue aside from being always tired.

  • Having to use some type of stimulants all the time to just function even slightly. 
  • Your not able to kick the common cold that well. It takes you much longer than normal to start feeling better. The tiredness seems to even be worse at this time.
  • Not having any want to do anything at all. Your so worn out that you don't have the drive or motivation to do things with your family, friends or children.
  • Paleness and bags under the eyes. 
  • Aches in the body. From being tired all the time your body will actually pull nutrients and calcium from even your muscle and bones to utilize as energy to keep you moving. You will notice aches and pains in the legs and back the more tired you are. The worse it gets.
  •  Dizzy spells and just feeling light headed. This is a result from the mind needing some serious nutrition and rest!
  • Hallucinations and actually hearing things or voices that aren't really there. 
  • Anxiety and nervousness usually starts to play in to your normal every day.
Is this starting to sound like you? Are these the chronic fatigue symptoms you are dealing with on a daily basis?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a serious condition and will lead to much worse health issues if you let it.
Do you want the information you can start using today to start healing your body from this extreme fatigue 

and take back control of your every day? Let's start a new list then shall we..
  • Sleep, obviously I don't need to get into details here. Get enough of it tho. To beat always being tired
    you need at least 6 hours of full restful sleep every night. Try running a fan. This is a great way to stay
    and block out outside noise. So get some rest will ya.
  • Water, simple but people skip this part a lot. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of fatigue and could
    be the main reason why your tired all the time. Try this, when you are tired and rundown drink down a whole
    glass of water fairly quickly and watch what it does. ;-)
  • Take a restful break from everything for at least 48 hrs. Stop thinking about the things that stress you out.
  • The most important thing you could ever do to cure your exhaustion is use a natural supplement. Avoid synthetic
    vitamins from the local Walmart or Drug Mart as these actually will make your condition worse. I recommend
    the main nutritional drink at Zija Extreme. Drink this first thing in the morning, every morning and watch what
    your energy level feels like after about the fourth day.
If you have any tips that everyone could benefit from. Please share it with us below. 

feel better
i am feeling very tired all the time  
why am i tired all the time           
why am i so tired all the time        
tired all the time                    
feeling tired all the time            
fatigue causes                        
feeling tired                         
extreme fatigue                       
causes of fatigue                     
always tired                          
chronic fatigue syndrome             
symptoms of exhaustion                
chronic fatigue
so tired all the time
why am i tired all the time
i'm really tired all the time
why i so tired
i'm exhausted all the time
why am i exhausted all the time
fatigue for days

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